Mission Statement: To restore and change lives so “Peace” will become your normal condition.
The House of Restoration Worship Center is a place where you will find a compassionate community, vibrant worship, and a deep-rooted commitment to serve our Lord and Savior. We worship every Sunday from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm on the campus of Los Angeles Adventist Academy – 846 E. El Segundo Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90059 – (310) 766-5808. Click here for directions.

We look to the ministry, teaching, and example of Jesus Christ to show us how to live our lives grounded in love, compassion, peace, and service.
We also recognize God is still speaking to us today amidst the ups and downs of everyday life. We don’t claim to know exactly what God is saying, but we do try our best to listen. We encourage one another to ask questions and have the willingness to listen. You’ll also find people who know that faith is an action word rooted in love.
If you are hungry for spiritual nourishment, if you long to grow in a relationship with the One who calls you by your name, if you have been searching for a Worship Center where you can bring your whole self to the table, then come and check us out.
We mean it when we say; “No matter who you are, no matter where you are in life’s journey, you are welcome here”!
God’s peace and abundant blessings,
Wayne Granston, Sr. Pastor.